Electronics Purchasing

The Power of Purchasing - When Consumers Talk, Electronics Companies Listen.

Electronics companies say that customer demand is the single most compelling driver for them to make changes in their products. As a consumer, you are in a powerful position to push the electronics industry to produce well-designed, durable, upgradeable recyclable products with a reduction in toxic chemicals. Ultimately, environmentally-friendly products will only be made when consumers demand them and say “no” to toxic designs. Of course, buying electronics is not as simple as picking out organic apples, so use the "Purchasing Guidelines for Environmentally Preferable IT Equipment" to purchase from the most environmental and socially responsible companies. These Guidelines were a joint product between SVTC, Computer TakeBack Campaign, Healthcare Without Harm and H2E.

Individual Consumers:
Buying for You, Friends or Family!

SVTC and the Electronics TakeBack Campaign have created "The Computer Report Card" that grades electronics companies on their environmental, labor and public health performance in areas such as product take-back, hazardous materials, occupational health and safety, prison labor, energy efficiency, product longevity and packaging. By rewarding companies that operate responsibly, you create the market demand that will shift the industry towards greater environmental protections, worker rights and human rights. Find out which leading electronic companies have the best record for environmental and social performance.

Large Purchasers:
Buying for Your Office, School or Hospital!

The next time you make a large electronics purchasing order, request that your old machines be taken back at no cost! The "Purchasing Guidelines for Environmentally Preferable IT Equipment (PDF)" is designed to give large purchasers the tools you need to evaluate companies on their take-back recycling policies, manufacturing processes and worker and environmental protections. By using the "Purchasing Guidelines for Environmentally Preferable IT Equipment," you create the market demand for environmentally-friendly products and maximize your value.

EPEAT: The EPA’s Guide Falls Short on Environmental & Worker Protections

EPEAT (The Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool) is a new purchasing tool being released in the summer of 2006 where electronics companies grade their own products against a list of environmental attributes. This is an enormous step forward which will hopefully take off like the “energy star” rating. However, there are five significant areas of concern where EPEAT falls short:

-No requirement to eliminate certain hazardous chemicals.
-No requirement to enact takeback policies to safely deal with e-waste.
-No requirement to enact occupational health and safety to protect workers.
-Weak requirements for responsible recycling.
-Weak packaging requirements.

SVTC encourages you to consider not only the EPEAT assessment, but to move beyond EPEAT, and include SVTC’s additional guidelines for greater environmental and worker protection.

KW 08 - Montag, 17. Februar 2025